Quality Rating


This rating gives an insight and our rating on the quality of each particular product, taking into consideration the three following factors:

- Material Integrity

- Product Structure Integrity

- Overall Durability

Unlike majority of our customer reviews, it does not take price or product aesthetics into consideration, as our low prices tend to dilute the perception of a product’s quality. These ratings are based on our experience with after-sales service of the product and/or our evaluation of the product’s structure.

The following is a breakdown of what each score entails:

5/5 - Superb Material and Product Structural Integrity with Excellent Overall Durability. Suitable for heavy, lifetime usage.

4/5 - Good Material and Product Structural Integrity with Excellent Overall Durability. Suitable for heavy, long-term usage.

3/5 - Good Material and Product Structural Integrity with Good Overall Durability. Suitable for average, long-term usage.

2/5 - Fair Material and Product Structural Integrity with Fair Overall Durability. Suitable for light, mid-term usage.

1/5 - Low Material and Product Structural Integrity with Fair Overall Durability. Suitable for light, short-term usage.